I was supposed to get my hair blown out but, stuff happens. Three months ago, I was planning on getting an apartment with a male friend. I wanted to move out of my other friend's house while my male friend wanted to move out of his mother's house. First, my mother and grandmother tried to convince me into not moving in an apartment with a guy. Then, some of my co-workers tried to convince into going with my male friend. Then, my boyfriend and I broke up because I was planning on living with the male friend. Despite almost everyone giving me negative feedback, I still tried to move in with my friend. But, we had a problem. We got denied for the apartment because my friend's credit was bad. He claimed that someone stole his identity. I had to wait on my friend to fix his problem. While we were looking for an another apartment, I lived with another friend. My male friend and I had found another apartment complex. This apartment complex was better than the last one that my friend and I had applied for. Considering that both my friend and my money was not good, we had hold the apartment. It cost us a hundred dollars each to hold the apartment. I had to turn around and pay eighty-five dollars for the apartment application fee. My friend said that he the apartment deposit was no problem for him to pay. My friend claimed that he had two other jobs besides the one that he is working now. However, my friend wanted me to help out paying the apartment deposit. I was not able to considering that I had to pay my phone bill, apartment application fee, and, a hundred dollars to hold the apartment. I asked my friend if he had the money for the apartment and he said he will. I had to spend a hundred dollars on duke energy for the electricity on the apartment. I had to spend twelve dollars on the rental insurance for the apartment. I was up and ready to move out of my friend's house until my male friend said that he lost the money for the apartment. My friend even had the nerve to ask me to pawn my television for the money. I end up living back with my friend and losing a lot of my money. After going through hell and back getting this apartment, it looks like I was not going to get it. What made the situation even worse, was that my mother and grandmother was right about not living with a guy. I could not believe I wasted my time and money for nothing. It was about time for me to get my hair done. However, most of money had to go to food, tithes, transportation, and to my friend on two months worth of rent. I decided to do my hair on my own. Considering that I was natural, it was easy for me to wash, shampoo, condition, rinse, and twist my hair. My hair turned out better than I hoped for. I got a new do and I am not ashamed of it!
Before |
After |
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