Dust The Violet
Whenever I look at the color dusty violet, I think of mystery. I think of mystery whenever I see it as a hair color. The color is not a tease nor boring when it comes down to hair color. Dusty violet is like it is there but a person cannot figure out the type of characteristic of it. For the color dusty violet to be the color to wear for the fall season, it is out of the ordinary. Usually when others think of the fall season, they think of a more warm color. The color dusty violet is more of a cool color. The color dusty violet is more like a laid back color. That is what the season fall is all about. The season fall is more of a chill mood season. The season fall should be enjoyed in such a mellow and peaceful manner. A person can do that by wearing the color dusty violet. The color dusty violet is lighter than the regular color purple. Considering that it is so light, the color dusty violet is more of a mellow color than the regular color purple. With the color dusty violet being so light, a person can really have a much more calm mood for the fall season. The thing that makes violet purple so special is the actually color itself. A person can never find something so lovely like the color dusty violet. Dusty violet is the type of purple that would just catch a person by surprise whenever they see it anywhere in the streets. Not because the color is loud, just because it is a little bit rare to see it in the streets. Dusty violet is going to be that color in the fall season that everyone is going to want. More and more people are starting to adore the color because it is so mysterious, out of the ordinary, and so beautiful. For this fall season, dusty violet will be the color that would just make the season more meaningful.
Pic: www.glamour.com(runway)
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