My Halloween

Halloween was so great for me this year! I had so much fun with a couple of friends and was able to dress up. I took a day off from work so I would NOT deal with a bunch of drunks. I wanted to have a peaceful Halloween for this year. When my Odessa had found out that my friend Jeanice and I was both off from Halloween, she suggested that we hang out. Of course, this means that I had to wear a costume. At first, I did not wanted to dress up. But, Odessa convinced me otherwise. The day before Halloween, I went to the store that Odessa was working at. She claimed that there was an outfit just for me. It was a pirate costume. For some odd reason, I knew that I was going to dress up as a pirate for one Halloween. For some odd reason, I knew that it was going to be for this Halloween. When I first seen the pirate costume, I was not so sure of it. Then, Odessa suggest that I try it on. I went into the dressing room and tried on the costume. To me, the costume was okay. To Odessa and the other customers in the store who had seen the costume, it was great. The top and sleeves of the pirate costume was designed in black and red stripes. The sleeves were cut to third-quarter sleeves. The cuffs on the sleeves were made as angel cuffs. They were the color black with red pirate skulls designed all over it. The cuffs were also see through. The skirt on the costume was cut to mini length. The skirt was black.

The shell of the skirt was designed just like the angel cuffs. Then, there was the pirate hat. The pirate hat was black. There was red and black trimmings around the top of the hat. There was a small skull attached in front of the hat. At first, I was not going to get the costume. I was going to see if I could dress up like Velma from Scooby Doo. But, I was not able to find the right material for a costume of the cartoon character. Then, I changed my mind and went with the pirate costume. I bought red stockings and Halloween makeup just to make the costume even more scary. On Halloween, my friend Jeanice and I got ready to meet Odessa at the Epicentre. The lynx was beyond full of people dressed up for Halloween. As soon as Jeanice and I met up with Odessa at the Epicentre, we went to my job so my co-workers could see my costume. Odessa was dressed up as Little Red Ridding Hood while Jeanice was dressed up as a cat. I was surprised on how many people loved my pirate costume. After seeing everyone at my job, Odessa Jeanice and I went to Buffalo Wild Wings. We all ate and the restaurant had a Halloween Costume Contest. Whoever had the best costume won $1,000. A guy who was dressed up as Mrs. Sophia from The Color Purple had won the money. After the contest, my friends and I left the Epicentre before it gotten worse with more drunken people. Everyone who was dressed up for Halloween was either too cheap or very creative. My Halloween was very fun and enjoyable! I am hoping for next year to be even more fun and enjoyable!

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