So Vintage

Two weeks ago, my friends and I had a girls’ night off. We out to eat and went to Amelie’s. Then, we finished off the night by going to this incredible store called Salvaged Beauty NODA. This incredible store had nothing but vintage products in it. Anyone who loves themselves some vintage clothing and accessories should really go for this store. While walking in the vintage store, I felt like I was in complete heaven. If I had the money, I would buy everything in the store. That is how much I just love vintage items. The incredible store had everything. It even had vintage toys and video games. It had records from sixty’s and fifty's. It had old lunch boxes from the seventy's. The vintage store had an arcade game. It also had old dolls. I was in complete awe. In one particular area in the store, was a unique vintage room. The vintage room was made as lady's bedroom. There was a wardrobe full of clothing. There was also a beautiful jewelry set placed on bedroom drawer. There was comfortable white rocking chair that I can just sit in all day. The wonderful vintage room is something that I can possibly dream of. What really would take anyone’s breathe away are the jewelry. The earrings are really to die for.

They are beyond classical and unique in every way possible. What I love about the earrings is that they cannot be worn with just any attire. The earrings have to be worn with something elegant and marvelous. The attire has to be something amazing but not old fashioned in order to connect with the earrings. What really make these earrings so unique and elegant are the designs of the earrings. The beads, customs, and colors just makes anyone want the earrings even more. While the earrings are so classy, I cannot forget about the necklaces displayed in the vintage bedroom. The necklaces is what really grabbed me in of loving this stunning vintage bedroom. The necklaces set the mood of wanting an actual vintage style. By looking at the necklaces and other jewelry, I cannot help but to want more vintage items. In the vintage bedroom, there lots of clothing. Everywhere I turned, there was clothing that I can just go gaga for. Every aspect of clothing in the bedroom as so stunning! It was like looking at wonderland. I really could not choose of what vintage outfit I wanted to buy in the vintage store. It was just so hard to choose considering that I just so in love with vintage attire. I finally decided to buy some jewelry. The jewelry was well made and beautiful. I also decided to get a bar of soap. The bar of soap was all scented and natural. After buying some jewelry, my friends and I decided to look around the whole store a little bit more. I had to literally stop myself from looking around or I was going to be addicted of buying yet again. After leaving the Salvaged Beauty NODA, my friends and I stayed out a little bit longer before calling a night. After the night was over, I was thrilled about going to the vintage store. I think I just found another favorite store to go to.

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