Clump Them Eyelashes

I am so in love with make-up! It is so beautiful in any way on my face. My favorite type will always be the eye make-up. Eye make-up always beautifies my eyes even more. When it comes down to different types of eyeshadow colors, the eyes are beyond irresistible. Especially when it comes down to mixing the colors with each other. Oh my goodness, I cannot stop loving it. But I also have to love me some mascara. Mascara is what makes the eyes pop within more in the eye make-up. Without any mascara, eye make-up is never complete on the face. But, the mascara can have the eyes looking much more lovely once using it in a creative way. I am talking about having clumpy eyelashes. Now I know some out there are not willing to try this trend out. Why would anyone want to wear clumpy eyelashes? They look so messing. They always look so ugly. They always been a big fashion no-no. Well, times has changed a lot for the fashion world. Clumpy eyelashes are in and here to stay! They might look messing, but they are certainly dashing for the eyes. What makes these lashes so dashing is how it looks so natural. They are so dramatic and yet so cutting. Everyone can just think back into the sixty's where the eyelashes were full and beautiful once looking at the clumpy eyelashes. Full eyelashes keeps the eyes protected from any type of infection. When looking at the clumpy eyelashes, the lashes look more full within eyes than before. The clumped eyelashes makes the eyes even more noticeable. Others can see the true beauty within a woman’s eyes once having clumped lashes. They will also endure the eye shadow color even more once having clumpy eyelashes. The eyes are able to pop more than usual. However, clumpy eyelashes have to be done in the right way. The colors of mascara that are best to used for clumpy eyelashes are brown and black. The colors brown and black look totally natural within the eyelashes. They both give the eye lashes that full yet edging look to them. Having clumping eye lashes allows others to really see the actual beauty within the face. This look is beyond sweet to have as its own. No more feeling bad about accidentally giving oneself clumpy eyelashes with the mascara. Turn that eye accident into an eye phenomenal. Clumpy eyelashes are no longer an embarrassment of having while socializing with others. Everyone would want to have them for their very own eye lashes. From bringing it back all the way to the sixties, these lashes are here to stay. Whether they are the color brown or black, the eyes cannot look even more hot. Along with the long eye lashes and eye brawl shaping, every lady would want their face to so cute in gorgeous clumpy eyelashes. Do not bore them eye lashes with that mascara. Go ahead and clump out them lashes for this cute beauty trend!
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