Loving The Skin

Every skin should be treated with respect.  It should not matter how dark, light, or saggy it is.  We live in a society where if the skin does not fit a particular category, it is ugly.  However, some people in the fashion world are fighting back to discrimination.  More  and more fashion expertises are including every skin type that others might see as ugly.  Fashion expertise are finally putting shallow people in their face when it comes down to skin beauty.  Every skin beauty is finally being exposed in such a fabulous way.

What An Ad…
In Marc Jacobs’ latest ad, deals with two models showing off their beautiful legs that God has blessed them with. One of the models has vitiligo.  The fabulous model with the sexy vitiligo legs is no other than Winnie Harlow. Harlow is no stranger to the fashion world.  In fact, everyone knows the lovely model from the hit show “America’s Top Model” in 2014.
Winnie Harlow
Despite that Harlow did not win the twenty-first cycle of the hit show, the model keeps shining in every spot light.  Ever since Harlow, other models with vitiligo are stepping out more into the fashion world.  Marco Jacobs’ latest ad of the model’s legs are having no problem drawing great attention. Everyone is go crazy over this new ad.  How can anyone not love this ad?  This ad is the hottest thing ever!

Some people are wondering.  What is vitiligo?  It is skin disease that can cause the skin to have color blotches. The color blotches comes in a different skin tone opposed to the person’s skin tone. The cause of the disease is unknown.  It can affect any body part of the skin.  Any race can be affected by vitiligo.  What happens is the cells that creates the color of the skin are destroyed.  The disease is not deadly.  It is also not contagious.  Vitiligo can even affect the hair, eyes, and the inside of the mouth as well on the other parts of the body.  The amount of skin being affected by the disease is unpredictable.  Despite of the disease, people with it can still rock it out.

Loving It…
Today, everyone is seeing the beauty of vitiligo. Everyone is looking beyond the skin imagine all because of models like Winnie Harlow are finally stepping out.  More people are realizing that all skin types should be loved. Whether if it is damaged skin cells.
April Star
Whether the skin is fair.  Whether the skin is dark.  Despite that differentiating the skin still exists, not everyone are feeling the same about it.  More and more people are not only supporting ads like Marc Jacob's, but are looking them.  It is about time that all skin beauty should be glamourized. It is about time that being shallow about the skin should come to an end.

Vitiligo is being more exposed everyday.  Others with vitiligo that are not models can now look up to the one’s who are standing up for it.  With more fashion ads loving vitiligo, others are starting to love it as well. Finally, every skin beauty are being loved my many!

Pics:  (top) www.yahoo.com
          (middle) www.fashiongonerogue.com
          (bottom) www.thereal.com


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