Crayons Are Not For Coloring Books Anymore

This Crayon…
When I first gotten this lip makeup in the mail, I was
beyond excited. I was so excited all
because it was another makeup to beautify my lips. I was also excited because it was the color
red. I was so set to want to try this
baby on my lips. This brand new lip
makeup that I had was a lip crayon. Who
ever knew that crayons are meant for lips?
But this crayon was worth putting on my lips. Just two strokes and my lips looked
natural. Trestique did their thing when
they made this lip crayon. My beautiful
smackers cannot look even better. Who
says crayons are only meant for a coloring book. They can make the lips look so unique.
The Color…
The color of the crayon lip stick is tuscan wine. Tuscan wine is more like a dark red
color. It is sassy and yet so sexy. However, this color has no problem showing up
light on my lips. The lightness of the
color tends to show a softer look than just a loud look. It shows more of the lips' natural beauty rather
than a big glob of red lipstick on them. I still
have that sassy yet sensational flavor to it despite is being so light. The tuscan
wine has no problem blending in with the rest of my makeup. In fact, the color stands out on its own in a
soft way. Others can still see the beauty
of the color. Others can see its natural
perks within the lips. The tuscan wine
color is so divine and yet so hot to handle.
All Natural…
What I can love about Trestique’s tuscan wine colored lip
crayon is that it is all natural. It is
not animal tested. It is free from any
petro chemicals. It is free from any
synthetic fragrance. It has peach oil in
it. Most of all, the lip crayon has
cocoa butter in it. I cannot explain on
how cocoa butter is just incredible for the body. Trestique has won more over with this lip crayon. I am so happy that I tried this lovely lip
This lip crayon is a total must have! With its natural
feeling and stunning color, this can be anyone’s best friend for the lips. This makeup just gave me another reason on
why I should not be ashamed of my red lipstick addiction.
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