Plum Up The Lips

During this past weekend, I was able to hang out with my mother.  While heading for a bite to eat, my mother was telling me about Rk by Kiss.  She is loving her brand new lipstick like it was no tomorrow.  Lucky for me, my mother  had another brand new tube of lipstick.  I was able to see on why my mother was go cra-cra over this matte lipstick.  I applied the makeup on my lips and automatically fell in love with it.  When earing this brand new lipstick, I realize that it was going to be the best of me.

Wear It Dark…
Before I gotten this lipstick,  my mother had told me how dark the color was.  After she told me that, I was so thrilled to have it.  I have been dying to wear dark lipstick and I finally got my chance.  The Rk by Kiss’ lipstick color makes my luscious smackers look full.  My lips are able to show more of its beauty once wearing
this fabulous lipstick.  It is able to show a side to itself that others are not use of seeing them in.  My lips are able to show off a brand new style, confidence, and look toward my beautiful face.  With this color, my luscious smackers will never miss out looking so fabulous in dark colors again.

Seeing The Beauty…
When wearing this dark colored lipstick, I notice how much beauty it has given to my makeup look. The color of the dark colored lipstick was dark plum scene.  Dark plum scene was this fierce deep dark purple that is just so irresistible.  Now everyone knows that the color dark purple is the new black.  Everytime anyone turns around, dark purple is the thing to wear as a hair color,
makeup, and jewelry.  Why? Why not?  Dark purple looks so good on the ladies.  This color allows any lady to so daring, the boss, and not to mention beautiful.  The lovely color shade of purple has no problem looking fabulous on the ladies when it is darker.  The darker the color, the better color it can look on the ladies.  When having Rk by Kiss' dark plum scene, this dark color have no problem bringing out the daring look in my lips.  This color is the greatest.

The Difference…
Usually with any type of lip wear, I would usually have a natural look on my lips.  Sometimes, I would have a sophisticated look on my lips.  With this dark plum scene lipstick, it gives me a whole different look that I am not use to.  I am not use of looking so edgy in the looks.  For years, I have been so afraid of wearing dark colors because I did not want to look depressed.  After wearing
this lipstick, I end up getting a complete opposite of what my luscious smackers are.  With the dark purple colored lipstick, I look like a true diva.  I love fierce and not mention cute.  With this lipstick, my new lipstick look

After wearing this dark plum scene lipstick, I never felt alive before up until now. This lipstick just gave my luscious smackers a new way of life and I am loving every single aspect of it.  There is nothing g like a fresh dark purple lipstick to start the day off right.


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