A Blast From The Past

 The fashion show that I was a guest to was so breathtaking that it was not even funny.  There was so much talent on one runway.  While being a viewer of Charlotte Seen’s “Decades,” it was  everything and more.  Never would I think that I would love retro looks so much in one fashion show.  From the beginning to all the way to the be ending of the show, I was loving every aspect of it.  This show was a fun sight to see!


Back To The Basics…

When it comes down of the retro look being the main center of the show, I just had to brag about it.  From the dazzling flappers look, to the the grooving hipster style.  This show was jaw dropping.  What viewers

were really enjoying were the flappers look.  What is so lovable about this look is that it easily put anyone into the 20’s mood.  Usually, any other flappers look would look too Halloweenish.  But, not this look.  The creator of the style actually put in so much detail and impact within the style that one would think the creator lived through the 1920’s.  The black and gold that were used in runway really gave the look its spunk.  These colors showed so much feeling with the flappers style that the style looks like it cane from the actual decade.  So much creativity and work within the look itself that one cannot help but to love the basics.


Stealing The Show...

There was one particular model that no problem stealing the show.  The model was of course the

wonderful Savannah.  As soon as this young model had step into the runway in her Grease inspired attire, the crowd went crazy.  With male model, Jordan Mitzel as Danny Zuko,  Savannah wowed the crowed over as Sandy Olson.  From her charismatic attitude, to her energetic ways.  Savannah has no problem capturing the viewers’ hearts and souls.  This model had no ounce of timidness in her when it comes down to ripping the runway.  In fact, Savannah made every inch of the runway as her own.  She showed that confidence and passion for the runway can easily be done once having the talent to do it.  This young model will be going places.


Oh My Goodness…

One of the things that I just love about this show are the dresses.  Oh my goodness are the three words

that describe these beauties.  I just wanted to snatch up each dress and have them as my own.  What I love about the dresses is how big the skirts are.  The bigger the skirts, the better the dresses.  What I love about the big skirts is that they have no problem enhancing the whole entire dresses’ look.  These skirts bring out so much detail and beauty within the top of dress.  With the skirts flowing so delicately on the runway, viewers will see so much volume and color within the dresses.  These skirts were able to expose the dresses into a delightful retro look that one can just love.  These dresses were a such a sight to see on the runway.


While being a guest of Charlotte Seen’s “Decades,” this show made me love the retro look even more.  The show had no problem taking everyone back on how fashion evolved into something fun, special, and unique.  



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