Mess Up the White


Do not get me started on how hard it is to keep a white shirt clean.  A white shirt has always been the worse of keeping clean. It has always been the worse of staying clean. Whenever I have to eat while wearing a white shirt, it is the worse for me to keep that white shirt clean.  I cannot explain on how many times I have messed up a good white shirt when eating, talking care of little children, and hanging out with friends. Washing white shirts are the worse.  I would wash a white shirt and it would still have stains on it. For me, keeping white shirts clean is a total nightmare.  For me, washing white shirts is so frustrating.  I was talking to my friend Chiquita two days ago over the phone.  Chiquita was telling me about this article about these white shirts. She was telling me that these shirts were not just any ordinary white shirts.  These white shirts were unstainable.  At first, I did not believe Chiquita.  Then, Chiquita sent me the website article about the unstainable white shirts on Facebook.  I just had to see this article for myself.  When I first seen Elizabeth & Clarke's white unstainable shirt, I thought it was just an ordinary shirt.  Then, I watched the YouTube video of this white shirt. This white shirt had coffee, wine, ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise spilled all over it. But, the white shirt was still good as new. This white shirt was indestructible when it came down to all stains. I could not believe my eyes.  My nightmare of keeping a white shirt clean was over.  Just like that, I can happily spill anything on this white shirt without it being stained. But how can this white shirt withstand any stains? That is easy, just with a little bit of  help of hydrophobic materials. However, hydrophobic materials are itching  and unbreathable within the human skin. But, this unstainable white shirt is not itching nor unbreathable.  With the help of the fabrics cotton and silk being mixed with hydrophobic materials, this unstainable white shirt is comfortable for a woman to where.  For six months, Elizabeth & Clarke have tested and trailed the fabric of their white shirt to be as comfortable as possible once being worn by others.  To have a more breathable fabric, the unstainable white shirt is made out silk and cotton.  For the unstainable white shirt to withstand any type of liquid, the silk and cotton fabric is cover with hydrophobic fibers. The hydrophobic fibers that covers the silk and cotton fabric of the white shirt is 100,000 times smaller than a grain of sand. This incredible unstainable white shirt can easily be machine washed.  Machine dryers are harmless when it comes down to this amazing unstainable white shirt. This fabulous unstainable white shirt is free from any wrinkles. The unstainable white shirt can come in either a long sleeve or short sleeve shirt. The short sleeve version of the white shirt is Elizabeth & Clarke's own shirt design called the 'Liz Lemon.'   The 'Liz Lemon' is named after the television series 30 Rock character.  This character was portrayed by actress and comedian Tina Fey.  The unstainable white shirt is to last from up to two to ten years.  I do not know about anyone else out there. But, I am not going to miss out on this fabulous unstainable white shirt!



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